ECHELON version 2024.1 features. Contact us today to trial our leading reservoir simulation software.
Posted in: ECHELON Software
The Stone Ridge Technology team, along with our development partners at Eni are pleased to announce the latest release of the ECHELON software, version 2024.1. The key new features are described in more detail below:
Coal bed methane model for black-oil
ECHELON now supports gas adsorption and desorption to and from organic matter in black-oil formulation; both time-dependent and instantaneous models are available. The feature is referred to as ‘Coal bed methane’ but can also be used for modeling shale gas formations.
Extended RESQML support
ECHELON now supports the reading of grid properties directly from RESQML epc files through a dedicated READ keyword. This reduces the effort required to run unstructured models generated by third-party geomodeling software such as Petrel™.
Conditional scheduling capabilities
Look-up tables are now available in the SCHEDULE section to be used in the evaluation of user-defined quantities (UDQs).
Connection and Region-types UDQs are now supported, in addition to the previously supported Field, Group and Well UDQs.
Custom mobility model for injecting connections
The default model for computing the mobility applied to injecting connections (based on the total connected cell mobility) can be overridden to be more representative of near-wellbore conditions.
Extended pressure maintenance model
Pressure maintenance controls now supports assigning target pressure for any set of fluid-in-place regions.
Leonardo Patacchini
Leonardo is the Regional Director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He holds a PhD in physics from MIT and undergraduate degrees from Ecole Polytechnique. Prior to working at Stone Ridge Technology he spent 10 years at Total Energies as a Reservoir Engineer both practicing and in research.
What we are doing to help improve the reservoir simulation industry.
Stone Ridge Technology and our consortium development partners at Eni are pleased to announce the latest release of ECHELON software.
Read article →ECHELON version 2024.1 features. Contact us today to trial our leading reservoir simulation software.
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