
The most powerful reservoir simulator in the industry now has pre- and post-processors.
Introducing SimCommand and SimDiscover.

The most powerful reservoir simulator in the industry now has pre- and post-processors.
Introducing SimCommand and SimDiscover.

Sim hero

SimCOMMAND Features

reload Fast keyword and model variation
ranking Easy to use workflow templates
content-delivery Auto inclusion of report commands
Visualize at Amazing Speeds

Load, visualize, and edit 3D reservoir properties at astonishing speeds

SimCommand allows fast and efficient model input and upload using High Performance Grid (HPG), an optimized grid reading technology that enables fast loading and quick visualization of reservoir properties and all grid inputs.

Seamlessly Connect to Echelon

Seamlessly launch, monitor, and control ECHELON reservoir simulations on your local hardware or in the Cloud

SimCOMMAND allows users to launch simulation models directly to ECHELON quickly and seamlessly. Simulation cases are rapidly generated using a series of Experimental Design algorithms making SimCOMMAND the perfect tool for advanced sensitivity studies all stored in a single project without compromising performance.

Make informed decisions

Full integration with ECHELON Cloud delivering the best performance

SimCOMMAND integrates perfectly with ECHELON Cloud, allowing users to launch simulations directly to the ECHELON Cloud service with the same user-experience they expect working locally on their PC. ECHELON Cloud integration with SimCOMMAND allows access to unlimited GPU resources at any time, opening a vast number of possibilities when running very large models or quickly performing many sensitivities.

Advanced Sensitivity

Agile model generation and simulation using advanced sensitivity analysis methods

SimCOMMAND features a built-in sensitivity analysis tool that allows users to perform complex history match and field development optimization routines fully integrated with ECHELON. SimCOMMAND uses a set of Experimental Design methods that allows users to harvest the power of ECHELON generating results in less time than any other simulation packages. This brings to reservoir engineers the possibility to explore wider variable ranges and combinations, achieving better understanding of the reservoir uncertainties and more confident decisions in the field.

SimDISCOVER Features

reload Fast data loading
Collaborative Auto report creation
journey-05 Drag & drop line plotting
Visualize Data Quickly

Fast results loading and powerful visualization for enhanced analysis

SimDISCOVER allows reservoir engineers to deeply analyze model results generated by ECHELON simulations. It combines 3D simulation results and well data giving reservoir engineers the ability to visualize data sliced in time and space to understand the static and dynamic aspects of their simulation models and improve their productivity.

Advanced Visualization

Designed to harvest the best of your simulation results in ECHELON

SimDISCOVER combines a series of advanced visualization options with an interactive well selection, allowing a fast and comprehensive understanding of the production and/or injection behavior of the well(s) and its relationship to the fluids flowing in the reservoir. Perform advanced visualization grid and well-region based filtering to gain a detailed understanding of the quality of the history match, or to improve field development strategies.

Increase Productivity

Update results and reports across your teams

SimDISCOVER allows users to share standardized report templates and updated results across teams in the organization while giving full flexibility on the information to display. This feature allows multiple profiles within the same organization to visualize the information and results in different ways.

Our customers save time and get better results
0 x
average speed improvement over legacy simulators
0 M
active cells for black oil on 1 GPU
0 M
active cells for compositional on 1 GPU

The most powerful simulation tool in the world.

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