ECHELON software is the only reservoir simulator developed from inception for GPUs, and the new era of massively parallel computing.
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Use ECHELON's speed and scalability to change how you work.
The demand for ultra-fast, scalable reservoir simulation software continues to press forward with higher stakes from deep-ocean drilling, the increasing complexity of unconventional reservoirs, the increased computational requirements of ensemble methodologies, and an overarching desire for a more detailed subsurface description. Massively parallel GPU hardware, modern solver algorithms, and careful implementation are combined in ECHELON software to allow scalable simulation up to billions of cells. This is all accomplished at speeds that enable the practical simulation of hundreds of ensemble realizations of large complex models, all while using far fewer hardware resources than CPU based solutions. Reservoir engineers can develop more accurate, robust and predictive models when the time required for each iteration cycle is reduced by an order of magnitude or more.
FAQ about ECHELON→Higher stakes from deep-ocean drilling, increasing complexity from unconventional reservoirs, and an overarching desire for a higher-fidelity subsurface description have led to a demand for reservoir simulators capable of modeling many millions of cells in minutes. ECHELON software easily scales to handle large models while still maintaining it's exceptional performance. Models as large as 1 billion cells have been simulated on as few as 30 nodes in 92 minutes. Higher resolution geo-models offer greater detail and obviate the cumbersome and heuristic upscaling process. They can capture finer geologic detail and allow engineers more accurate, robust and predictive models, leading to better investment decisions.
Request more info →ECHELON software's ability to simulate up to 12 million active cells on a single GPU means that large geo-scale models are divided into fewer and larger computational domains compared to modern CPU based simulators. For example our billion cell calculation split the model over 120 domains mapped to 120 GPUs. Multi-core CPU codes that have been able to run billion cell models do it using thousands of nodes and thus create tens of thousands of domains to map to individual cores. This splintering of the model into huge numbers of domains leads to inefficiencies related to inter-domain data communication. ECHELON ends up using about two orders of magnitude fewer domains than its multi-core competitors for the same calculation.
Schedule a demo →“Thanks to ECHELON in the cloud, we are finally able to simulate realistic situations in a dual porosity/dual permeability reservoir capturing the effect of a Fishbone multi-lateral completion.”
“You have all done great work with Echelon. It is a 'gold standard' for cost-effective, high-end flow simulation. I look forward to your future efforts!”
“We have been using ECHELON to evaluate a UK North Sea oil field development project, which has limited appraisal data and a wide range of reservoir uncertainties to consider. The team was required to run multiple development scenarios in order to explore the robustness of different options as part of the Concept Selection process. Our evaluation has shown that ECHELON can reduce our 15-year life-of-field simulation case runs from 7 hours, using an industry-leading black-oil simulator, to 20 minutes while delivering the same results. This offers us substantial time and cost savings.”
“ECHELON is easy to set up and run. Simulation runs that took about an hour to complete are ready now in a couple of minutes.”
“The speed and flexibility of ECHELON will be the key elements for the subsurface modelling in the energy transition pathway.”
“Stone Ridge Technology have really done it, they have done exactly what I wanted to do, they have a super-fast reservoir simulator, which is run on GPUs and is compatible with Eclipse.”
“ECHELON is one of the most disruptive technologies I’ve seen in my career doing simulation. It has proven ability to rapidly run very large, multi-million cell, full-physics models using massive parallelism. For iReservoir, this has led to improved understanding of complex systems by allowing for broad ranging sensitivity analysis in vastly reduced time frames.”
“ECHELON has transformed the way we develop and simulate complex models with many millions of cells. What previously took days or weeks now takes minutes or hours and we are able to retain reservoir detail and complexity by addressing very large models not previously possible.”
“Its [ECHELON's] implementation significantly changed our activities because, thanks to the speed of ECHELON (...) we were able to better calibrate the reservoir model (...) and span all the relevant uncertainties by creating hundreds of simulations in a short time.”
“By running ECHELON on IBM Power Systems, users can achieve faster run-times using a fraction of the hardware. The previous record used more than 700,000 processors in a supercomputer installation that occupies nearly half a football field. Stone Ridge did this calculation on two racks of IBM Power Systems machines that could fit in the space of half a ping-pong table.”
“In very few days our reservoir engineer was able to carry-out thousands of fluid-dynamic simulations, varying many different reservoir parameters, from geological and engineering point of view: a remarkable performance for a full range risk analysis, not achievable with any other available software.”
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